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128 N. Lively Blvd.
Elk Grove Village, IL 60007

Sustainable Initiatives to Launch at your Company

April 22, 2015 marks the 45th anniversary of Earth Day, a worldwide event founded to educate the public about global warming and inspire appreciation toward the environment. Your company can take simple, little steps to help the environment. Not only will you be cutting your waste and carbon emissions, it’s great press coverage to launch environmental initiatives. Here are three simple ways to start sustainable programs at work:

Determine energy consumption—Before you launch green initiatives, you first need to determine your company’s energy consumption. Use the EPA’s Energy Star program to help you gauge energy use. This will then help you decide which green programs will be most beneficial for your company.

Alternative transportation—Cut down on greenhouse gases by encouraging your employees to carpool and bike to work. Use incentives, like gift cards, to inspire the most participation in carpooling and biking. Also, make sure to install a bike rack or retrofit a bike room so your employees feel safe leaving their bike during the workday.

Recycling—Rethink your company’s waste management by enrolling in a local recycling program. Educate the management and employees by distributing lists of what can be recycled. Lastly, make sure recycling bins are easily visible and accessible.